The European Boating Industry (EBI) and the International Council of Marine Industry Associations – ICOMIA have just appointed their governing organs.
The General Assembly of EBI (European Boating Industry) has designated their new President: it’s the Italian Piero Formenti, Vice President of the Italian boat constructors association UCINA. The new executive committee will remain in office for two years, and consists of two vice Presidents, Piotr Jasionowski of Poland and Jean-Pierre Goudant from France. The latter is also appointed treasurer. The German Robert Marx, former President, remains in the Council, while the Czech Olda Straka is a new entry.
Piero Formenti will be deputy President of UCINA until 2018. Since 1979 he’s owner of Zar Formenti, the company he founded specialized in building inflatable boats.
EBI’s headquarters are located in Brussels, close to the European institutions, and is participated by 14 Countries in touch with over 7000 companies in the boating sector. The adhering associations come from: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
In the photo, from left: Udo Kleinitz, Thom Dammrich, Andrea Razeto, Jouko Huji, Tony Rice.
Once again coming from Italy, and also deputy President with UCINA, Andrea Razeto is the new vice President of ICOMIA, the International Council of Marine Industry Associations. The 49th General Assembly has designated the new Executive Committee: President is the actual NMMA chairman, the American Thom Dammrich, while the Jouko Huju (general manager with Finnboat) is confirmed deputy President. The role of Secretary General passes from Tony Rice (over ten years in ICOMIA) to the former Technical Manager Udo Kleinitz.
ICOMIA represents the boating industry worldwide since 1966. The cooperation between 35 adhering Countries is the key for having a unanimous voice to promote the development of the sector.
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