In the wake of the successful GT 40, Beneteau Gran Turismo 41...
The new Invictus 320 Atelier come to its world debut at Düsseldorf...
A Riva is not “just” a boat: it is also a status, which...
It’s eleven meters long, which is a milestone for the range....
It is actually the result of a long four-handed project by Marino...
It’s the most compact cruiser in the Quicksilver range: Activ...
A new livery and two brand new motors for Ranieri International Next...
Construction of Grand Banks 54 is underway. The new GB54, latest born...
Invictus Yachts attends the German boat show with two separate...
The new Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1095 has all the features of the range,...
After 370, 290 and 240, here’s Ranieri International Next 220...
It will be shown at the Düsseldorf Boot in January: Beneteau Flyer...