After the debut with LaPasserella, LaScala Elettrica follows as a...
The after-sales service is essential, and Besenzoni knows very well:...
CMC Marine announces a partnership with Dockmate, a company...
Its full name is MC² Quick Gyro X10, and it is designed for boats...
It is an improvement on the previous VC10. Yanmar VC20 can control...
Garmin quatix 6 is one of the most advanced tools for anglers and...
Besenzoni, one of the world leaders in boating components and parts,...
At the Derecktor Shipyard in Florida, the manufacturer of electric...
MetsTrade in Amsterdam: the supply chain fair will be an important...
Besenzoni keeps on developing innovative products, with design and...
Besenzoni is in a growth momentum, so we could expect something...